“Every woman is

practically fertile.”

- Adrienne Wei

Hi, I’m Adrienne!

I’m an acupuncturist, Natural Fertility Expert, and serial entrepreneur.  

If you told me 20 years ago that I would become known for these credentials, I would have laughed in your face.

After all, I was going to live out my life as an engineer, get married around the age of 30, and have two kids.  Hopefully move into middle management and retire when I was supposed to.  

NONE of that happened according to plan.  Here is what happened instead:

A Corporate Start

I graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering and went straight to work for a Fortune 500 company in a very small town in New York, where everyone knows everyone.

I hated the town and my job.  I never felt like I belonged.  I felt stuck.

And one day, I decided that enough was enough.  

I handed in my notice… without another job.  

Acupuncture School

After moving to Atlanta and then to Charlotte, my mom fell ill.  I decided to move back up north to be closer to her.

At this time, I was in my early 20s without a job while other friends from college were climbing the corporate ladder, jet setting around the world, and finding their happily-ever-after… Now you see why I call myself the Queen of Comparisons.  

My mom said “I think you would be a great Chinese medicine doctor.  You love to help people, and you’re Chinese!”

Every time before this time, I’ve dismissed it... because “acupuncture isn’t my thing.”  Nevermind the fact that I basically grew up in a Chinese medicine hospital since my mom was a doctor there, and only drank herbal tea whenever I got sick.

I decided that I had nothing to lose.  If I ended up hating acupuncture school...I can always go to business school.

On the first day of school, in my first class ever - Oriental Medicine I - I knew that I belonged there. 

I had found my calling.  


Becoming a Natural Fertility Expert

A year into acupuncture school, I realized that the fact I didn’t get my period every month might be a problem. 

No one ever told me it wasn’t.

After a visit to the OB, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  The doctor (a guy) told me, “I’m not sure if you’ll be able to get pregnant in the future, but take some birth control pills for now.”

I decided not to.  I mean... I was in acupuncture school studying Chinese medicine.  I was convinced that the Chinese had some way of treating PCOS after 3000 years.  

I was able to regulate my cycle with acupuncture and herbs.  And yes, I was able to get pregnant a few years later when I met my soulmate.

I graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) with a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine and immediately opened a practice in Charlotte, NC.

I didn’t have any intention of specializing in a particular area until my first patient in her 40s became pregnant after 4 weeks of treatments.  Another patient with PCOS became pregnant after 6 weeks of treatments after she had been trying-to-conceive for over 2 years.

My gut feeling was that helping women to achieve dreams of motherhood was going to be my jam.


I’ve since then:

  • become a Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM)

  • got certified as an Integrative Fertility Coach

  • started a podcast called Practically Fertile where my reach is now worldwide

  • created Two Elefants, a premium supplements company focusing on fertility and women’s health.  

And the biggest accomplishment, creating and trademarking my signature methodology, Practically Fertile®, a step-by-step guide that takes the overwhelm and confusion out of trying-to-conceive, and teaches you how to implement tried -and-true strategies to get pregnant naturally.  

There are lots of “gurus” out there, friend.  I don’t know what their motivations are, but I know mine.

I’ve dedicated my entire career to helping women conceive from around the world because I was once in your shoes.  

I was once told that nothing can be done for my condition.  

I was once told that I could be infertile.  

I once thought that I sucked because my life didn’t happen according to plan.

My mission is clear.

To be your guide and:

  • Empower you with knowledge about the female body, hormones, fertility, and everything in between

  • Inspire you to become the best possible version of yourself, physically and mentally

  • Give you hope when there seems to be none   

It’s an incredibly fulfilling feeling to wake up each morning knowing that I’m helping thousands of women from around the world - to create life!


The Future is Bright

As I’ve become more successful, both in the fertility world and as an entrepreneur, I’ve decided to start sharing my knowledge and mentor the next generation of fertility acupuncturists and coaches.  

No matter how hard I work, there is always only one of me.  And the world needs more natural fertility specialists.   

I don’t know what my business coaching programs will look like...and I’m ok with that.

I’ve learned that life doesn’t always have to happen according to plan.   

After all, the series of decisions that I made in my life, from quitting my engineering job to moving to Charlotte, got me to where I am today.  

There is a right time and right place for everything.

How to connect 

Now that you have gotten to know me a little better, I can’t wait to get to know you better and help you achieve your goals whether it’s to get pregnant, balance hormones, or create a meaningful business.  

There are several ways to connect with me:

Instagram: @adrienne.wei

Facebook page: @The Adrienne Wei

Email: info@adriennewei.com

LinkedIn: Adrienne Wei